Orbitall: Performance Monitoring Leads to 95% Gains in Operational Efficiency

The Case Studies magazine, linked to FGV Management, featured an inspiring success story: Orbitall, in partnership with Stefanini Scala, adopted a performance monitoring platform that led it to register an operational efficiency of 95%.

Orbitall, a payment processing company approved by the main brands in the market (Mastercard, Visa, and Diners), decided to implement a tool that could track its systems and indicate, in real-time, when and where there is a problem, so that it can be immediately corrected.


The company processes different types of cards, including credit, prepaid, meal vouchers, and gift cards. In its operations, a failure needs to be resolved quickly to avoid losses to partners. The challenge, according to CEO Braulio Lalau de Carvalho, was to find out where a potential problem is, considering the various systems that make up the infrastructure of its services, in order to solve it.

By adopting Dynatrace’s APM (Application Performance Management) intelligent monitoring solution, the company gained real-time visibility of the entire system.

Seven months after the start of the project, the company recorded a gain in operational efficiency of 95% and a 40% savings in personnel management.

Check out the complete success story and its implementation steps by clicking here.

Solution Used:

APM (Application Performance Management) Dynatrace

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