Too Many Passwords? Bonsucesso Solved That Problem

When Bonsucesso engaged Stefanini Scala’s services, its executives struggled with dozens of legacy systems, each requiring different passwords. This is a common problem in many organizations: users with multiple logins and passwords that are difficult to memorize, leading to confusion and security vulnerabilities. Employees often resort to writing down passwords, leaving them accessible to anyone.

Founded in 1992, Bonsucesso Bank provides secured loans and credit solutions across Brazil with speed, security, and excellence. With over 17 years of experience, the bank operates through more than 120 agreements with municipal, state, and federal governments. It has over 30 owned offices, a presence in every state, and approximately 1,500 points of sale throughout Brazil.

Logins and passwords were only part of the problem. The other issue was audit data being scattered across the legacy systems, making it difficult to gather and analyze.

Stefanini Scala solved the login problem and ensured user satisfaction by implementing a single sign-on (SSO) solution for access to over 25 applications. The improvement even resulted in a reduction in password reset requests to the help desk.

In terms of auditing, operational efficiency improved significantly: a 40% reduction in audit preparation time was achieved through centralized access data and web-based reporting. The IT department’s image also improved, with users providing positive feedback on the project.


IBM IAM – Identity and Access Management Software

IBM Websphere

IBM Directory Server (LDAP) and IBM Db2

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